A Beggar Child
"Who is like the LORD our God - the one enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth? He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the trash heap in order to seat them with nobles - with the nobles of his people."
Psalm 113: 5-8
O holy Father, look down upon the poor and needy in Yemen. Look upon the children of the land and lift them up in Jesus' name. Raise up your people to seek out the children and orphans and to bring them into your presence. Raise up your people to love and provide for these little ones. Turn the hearts of organizations and those with influence to look upon the suffering and respond aggressively with compassion and provision. Multiply the provisions that are available in the land in order to feed the starving millions. By your compassion, answer our prayers. Amen.