Welcome to a community of prayer for Yemen.
Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, is lofted high up in the sky at 7600 feet elevation. As we pray, we hope that is a reminder for us to pray from a higher elevation point than we might naturally pray. Instead of seeing war, disease, a broken infrastructure and the hopelessness that besieges Yemen, we pray from the vantage point of God’s heart for Yemenis. We pray with faith that God can and will lift Yemen from her despair and into the refuge of Christ’s love for Yemenis. We cling to the promise of John 14:13 for Yemen: "And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son." We pray for peace, for plenty of provision and for all the many physical and social needs of Yemenis in the name of Jesus, so that God might be glorified in Him.